we’re glad you’re here!

Whether you have been in business for a while or taking the baby steps to create a new business, we’ve got the skills and services to take you to the next level.

What We Do

Logo Design & Brand Development

Do you have a logo or image that effectively identifies your business with others? Is it doing the job? Does it need to be freshened up, or scrapped altogether for something better?

We can create or refresh your logo and show you how the graphics and colors can be used to create brand recognition and emotionally engage your customer base.

Taken a step further, graphic design and branding should be consistent with every tool you have that tells the story of your organization. To that end, how are your printed materials and business cards working? Let us find creative and economical ways to increase impact. We know how to spread the love. Contact us to learn more.

Website Design & Development

Have you ever visited a website and the information isn’t current, a link is broken, or it’s just difficult to navigate? Websites can be so busy or disjointed that you can hardly find what you’re looking for.

Do your customers or clients have the same experience with your site? Let’s put ourselves in your customer’s shoes and take an honest look at your online real estate.

Each website we create is created in a responsive WordPress platform, which means it can look great on desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Not only will your site be visually appealing, but it will also be intuitive for your customers, attractive, and easy to use.

Social Media Marketing & Management

There are social media outlets popping up all the time, whether you’re a fan or not, you can bet your customers are using social media to connect with businesses they support, want to support, or are curious about.

If they’re not on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or YouTube, Santa Claus probably couldn’t even find them.

We will help you develop a process for getting the most from social media. We’ll share our favorite tools so you can manage your social media presence or make it easy to delegate to an employee. Or, if you find your time is better spent somewhere else, then we can create a social media package that will work for you. We know social. Contact us and we’ll make you a fan.

Email Marketing & Promotion

If people tell you they don’t check their email or are not influenced by email marketing, don’t believe them. Well, at least doubt them.

Professionally designed and effectively written email marketing remains a top-selling tool for any number of products and services. Its value spans businesses and continents. People read emails from businesses with which they have a relationship, and they purchase items that are promoted in emails, too.

We are skilled in creating professional email campaigns that reflect your brand and help you stay connected to your customers. Let’s email to talk more about it.

Graphic Design & Photography

If you’ve ever experienced online dating, you know how important it is to use current photos when promoting your services and products. Because when you finally try out that product (or meet at the restaurant) you want to know you got what you ordered, right?

That’s what your customers want, too, even if you aren’t selling lifelong companionship.

Photography is valuable as a branding tool, marketing strategy, and relationship-building tactic. Show potential clients who you are, what your work is, and then take it to the next level to engage them. We know exactly how to do that. Picture it, and let’s get started.

Coaching, Support and Training

In our experience, when you’re tight with a problem – you live with it day in and out – you often can’t see how to fix it. But when someone steps in with an outside perspective grounded in related experience and a proven track record of performance, it becomes a solvable puzzle. Ah, how refreshing!

And this is where we can make our biggest mark on businesses. No matter how your project is currently stalled, ineffective, or just plain dead, we can help you understand why. We identify the factors that have played into the current situation, ask the important questions, work to understand your dreams and goals, and piece it back together in a positive, thoughtful, and strategic fashion.

What Our Clients Say

I have had the pleasure and opportunity to know and work with Kim “Possible” Cline for years. She has a gift to guide, empower, and provide support through mentoring small businesses and entrepreneurs. Kim knows it is difficult to maintain and take a business to the next level without the right expertise.

Barb Girtman

Community Advocate and Former County Commissioner

I am so impressed with all Kim does. While taking care of me, she takes care of others (personally and professionally) and does it well. I know I am not her only client she just makes me feel that way. When she walks into the room—a light follows. I relax knowing “All is Well.”

Debra Pardee

Acupuncture Physician

Kimberly Cline did a great job on my website and was a delight to work with. Building a website can be overwhelming, but not with Kimberly. She’s a pro and she will move you through the process with ease and confidence. Love her!

Erin Somers

Medical Concierge, Erin Somers Consulting