I was really fired up for the new year, and then suddenly, it seemed like life came to a standstill. I felt frozen, unsure of myself, and couldn’t figure out where I belonged. Whether it was the blood moon or what, who’s to say, I just know I couldn’t pinpoint anything that happened to make me feel this way. I’d been riding the wave, and now I am on the edge. For weeks I just held on, hoping that I wouldn’t burst into tears in front of anyone and embarrass myself. Not only was I wading in an emotional swamp, but I also got some nasty bug that knocked me down for the count and has lingered for over three weeks. Taking a shower and washing my hair does seem to improve my mood, if only for a short time and at least now, I no longer feel like I am going to burst into tears.

This morning I got up and as usual, headed straight to my computer to work on a few projects when I saw a Facebook message from a friend that my assistant, Daniella had her baby at 2 am, 3 weeks ahead of her due date. I was so excited and began to figure out what adjustments needed to be made for the work and shoots we had scheduled for this week. It wasn’t long before I realized, I don’t have her husband’s or parent’s phone number!

This amazing young woman has been in my life in some fashion or another for almost seven years. I was instantly drawn to Daniella since we are both photographers, we both had 3 girls, she is extremely talented, and seems to be clueless as to how amazing she really is. For so long I just wanted to shake her and wake her up to her awesomeness, but I’ve learned that it is really about how we see ourselves.

As I’ve gotten to know her more, I can honestly say she is the most amazing mother I have ever encountered. Her kids are intelligent, personable, and confident, not to mention adorable. Over the past several months Daniella and I have worked closely together on projects, and I look forward to her and the girls coming each week. We all have work or projects to complete, I get to hear updates from the girls, and then we usually end up ordering pizza for dinner; it’s their favorite.

I made my way to the hospital to check in and say hi. There was Daniella holding her new baby girl and her hubby was there as well. We had a chance to chat for a while and as always, her resiliency amazes me. Shortly Daniella’s parents came in with the girls and I finally got to meet her dad. I was struck how everybody in that room was happy to see me, and oh the juicy hugs I got. On the way home I thought about our journey together and how over the years, Daniella and I have mentored and supported each other. She is such a big part of my life, and tonight with the arrival of Ariella, I realized just how much we have impacted each other’s lives and all the love that surrounds me every day.