Cast your bread upon the waters and they’ll come back buttered! That’s a little bit of a deviation, but it’s something I’ve said for years. I never give with the expectation of something in return, when I give, it is genuine and comes from my heart. Sometimes I may overdo it, and even get in over my head, but I just can’t help myself. I am a volunteer junkie and I love to give and when there’s something that excites me, I’m jumping in with both feet!

I love being involved in community projects, and even though it’s nice to work with people I know, I get really excited when I see new people around the table, that means I am going to stretch and grow. And being that I live in a small town, I always find it fascinating when I do meet someone new, how much or who we know in common.

Volunteering gives you an opportunity to sharpen your skills and learn new ones. I am always sharing this with teenagers, but I have found it to be true for me too, still to this day. I am always learning from people older and younger than me, and it builds those relationships as well.

What do you think about OJT? On-the-job training is another benefit of volunteering. It is a great opportunity for people to get to know you and see all that you bring to the table. If it’s a good fit, you will most likely be the first one considered when a position does become available.

A few months ago I was asked by a friend and community leader to help fine-tune a brochure for a non-profit’s capital campaign in our community. It is a national organization that has 8 clubs in our area. Of course, I said yes, I love cleaning things up. It wasn’t a little brochure project, the scope kept getting wider. We met for about three months, completed a much larger print piece, and kicked off the campaign at the annual fundraiser. At one of our last meetings, I told the group how I just really enjoyed working with them, it just came out of my mouth, because that is what I was feeling. It was fun and energizing and for a great cause—what’s not to love, right? It was a few weeks later that Stephanie asked me if they could hire me full-time, part-time, or contract with me.

I didn’t see that coming, but I did pause to look back and see where the connections were that led to this. First, my kids were involved with this organization when they were in elementary school, so there was a heart connection. I was working with a client who attended a small event at one of their locations and at that event was introduced to Stephanie by their Board president, who knew of me, my work, and community involvement.

Before my interview, I took a look at the board members and key staff. I noticed some familiar names and reflected on how I was connected to them. I knew that many could vouch for me not necessarily as clients, but for my character and community involvement.

It is always so amazing to me that I could not have planned or created a better situation. This affirms to me once again that if we do what we love, and give joyfully, we will attract the perfect client and circumstances to increase our prosperity. Pass the butter, please.

Kimberly Cline is a Co-Creator, Image Guru, and Cheerleader who believes the universe is conspiring to help you prosper! Experience Connection, Growth, and Gratitude at