When it comes to finances and feelings of prosperity, my MO was always surviving, not thriving. The struggle was real—I always had two or three jobs and was always stressing about having enough. As time went on, I learned to have more of a “prosperity” mindset. Some people love to write pages and pages of affirmations, and yes that can be powerful, but I love to sing and have fun with it! I would sing and affirm that “I am prosperous, people love to give me money…this or something better…I began to find peace and know that all my needs were met.

Well, that is not the end of the story. Shit can get real and our mind plays tricks on us when we come from a place of fear. I got so good at making lemonade out of lemons that I never learned or took the time to dream. As I look back, I can think of only two times I made a financial goal…One was to save enough money to move back to Florida, and the other was to take my girls on an Orlando vacation. At the time these were huge! There were a few things I did to make sure I was able to pull it off. First I shared my goal with a friend, someone to help me be very clear and see if I had any blind spots in my plan—the money was very specific and I knew what I was shooting for. Second, was to commit to a timeline, there was no room for failure, and the last thing I did was break it down into bite-size pieces. This helped me stay focused and track my progress. Along the way, I discovered that I am competitive, even with myself. Every milestone was a new challenge I wanted to exceed. I can’t tell you how exciting it was seeing that money pile up in my little savings book. And I was so laser-focused, I manifested free admission into Disney World for all of us and a beautiful hotel for the entire week! Yes, it works!
So let’s fast-forward to today, I can still stress myself out, but I know there will be food on the table, and my bills will get paid. Yes, my needs are being met and I feel grateful and prosperous to have the life I have and be able to give of myself and my money. But I wonder…why am I not stretching myself? Why don’t I ask for more? It is a challenge to overcome those messages we’ve told ourselves over and over for so many years. I am fortunate that all my business comes from referrals, and I have built a team to work with me, there is no shortage and yet I put people off when they want to pay me. The universe is abundant and I know this, and as I think of it, it feels kind of selfish not asking for more because now my more allows me to give more. And you know what, it doesn’t matter what you do with your more, keep it or pay it forward, you just have to be clear and ask for your heart’s desire.

So here’s your call to action…take 5 minutes, don’t overthink it, if money were no object…what would you do? Where would you go? What would you buy? Go ahead dream a little, it’s okay.

Kimberly Cline is a Co-Creator, Image Guru, and Cheerleader who believes the universe is conspiring to help you prosper! Experience Connection, Growth, and Gratitude at SuccessYourWay.com.